


What does is really mean to be Naked Before Jesus?

I experienced an amazing monumental moment in our NBJ study group recently. One woman was discussing her thoughts on the chapter “Hearing the Voice of the Father”. She said that she does not have a problem hearing God’s voice clearly, but she fears what he would say to her. We asked her a few questions about why she feared what he would say and it boiled down to the fact that she feared being that intimate with Jesus and being completely known by him. The rest of us all sat quietly listening to her then one gal in the group picked up the study and showed her the front cover of Naked Before Jesus. She said what you need is to be Naked Before Jesus! We all had the same thought going through our head. It was one of those beautiful moments where time seemed to stand still. The gal that had picked up the study then said that she had always liked the title of the study, but it now had just greatly changed what the title really meant to her.
Ladies, if there are areas of your life that you struggle to truly set before Jesus without hesitation, spend some time meditating on the title of the study. What does is really mean to be Naked Before Jesus? What does this entail? What would it take for you to lay down your life in intimate detail before Jesus? It’s all worth it and best of all, he already knows all of it and still loves us!

1 comment

  1. Lena says:

    You’re on top of the game. Thanks for shraing.

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